
27-11-2011 - 0 minutes, 48 seconds -

I'm stagnating. That's the best word to describe it. I took a vacation, did nothing, and hated myself for it. I haven't made a post here in a month, but I did start a draft regarding consumerism then immediately delete it. All I do is eat, sleep, work, reddit and dungeon defenders and skyrim. The only notable thing I did this weekend was go to the shooting range. I looked up places to volunteer, but it's actually pretty slim pickings, and nothing I could find in my city online. A few church things, but I don't think I'm helping the "community" by going to your church and helping you pass out pamphlets about your imaginary friends. I want to meet people, but I'm too self-conscious to be in social situations. I should make a schedule and stick to it. Maybe scheduling every minute of my life would be better than leaving everything unscheduled and just procrastinating in all that time.