Therapy Checkpoint Update

23-09-2022 - 0 minutes, 42 seconds -
personal thoughts

I've been in therapy for 5 months now and I've made steady progress. Comparing myself across just those 5 months, it adds up to a huge amount of improvements. I still have much to do, but these changes feel good and they feel like they're here to stay. I've lost 30 pounds since I started. That's 20% of my goal already. 1/5 of the way there. 20% is already behind me, DONE.

My life is getting a little livelier, for both good and bad reasons. I'm seeing my nephew and niece regularly and they're both amazing kids. I've talked to more neighbors in the last month than I had in the past 5 years. I have improved my self-image and I feel less self-conscious.

I'm thankful for therapy and I'm going to continue and see how far I can go.