Turning point

17-04-2022 - 1 minute, 46 seconds -
personal thoughts weight loss

First things first

First off: I plan on picking back up on exclusively writing on personal topics here. I copied all my technical content to https://tyzbit.blog so I will eventually remove the technical posts here, but before that I will have them redirect to the new blog and leave it alone for at least a few months before removing them entirely.

Onto the main topic

It's been a while since I wrote about my weight, but this is a special point my journey. As of April 15, 2022, I am the same weight as the highest weight I've ever been, second to December 22, 2011. I weigh about 320lbs.

I realized I can't do what I did last time and just remove all temptations--my lifestyle has changed so that's not possible (working from home, able to spend more on food delivery). So I'm looking for a bariatric therapist. I don't think I'd be a good candidate for weight loss surgery because if I got the surgery, I would still have the abhorrent eating habits and I would just gain the weight back and wreck my body in the process. I need to fix my relationship with food first, before even considering surgical options. I had tried a weight loss program but it was really focused on surface level tips, not getting to the root of why I have this problem. I am cautious, hopeful and desperate. I can't do this alone and if I don't turn things around now, my life will only harder and so much shorter.

I've kept up my habit of logging my weight every day so at least there's a clear record of the last 9 years. I'll need to get back in my habit of logging calories and one thing I learned from the weight loss program is I don't count calories accurately when it comes to estimating portion sizes.

I won't impose on you, the reader, for moral support but I'll take whatever I can get. Even just reading this post is support I can't thank you enough for, it helps hold me to my commitment.

More to come soon...